vineri, 5 septembrie 2008

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade

Ce faci cand pare ca tot in jurul tau se prabuseste si nu stii daca sa ramai sa mai salvezi ceva, sau sa pleci?...Eu sunt conservatoare ...imi pierd si eu speranta uneori, dar stiu ca in final raman...mereu am ramas, mereu cred ca pot sa fac mai mult si sa transform viitorul ala sumbru pe care il prevad in rainbows and butterflies.


Mereu spun ca este pentru ultima oara cand mai las viata sa ma invinga si ca data viitoare o sa imi strang jucariile si o sa plec sa ma joc in alta parte. Ce faci cand fericirea vine la pachet cu supararea si cu durerea? Pleci, ca sa nu mai simti durere, sau ramai, ca sa fii fericit?

Mereu ma cred stapana pe situatie, cred ca stiu ce trebuie sa fac, cum trebuie sa fac sa fie totul bine, dar ce se intampla cand desi stiu ce trebuie sa fac, nu pot sa fac?...Ma dau batuta? Mai incerc o data? Si inca o imi dau seama din nou ca fericirea si suferinta sunt la impreuna...

Ce faci cand fericirea ta depinde de cei din jurul tau? Sa ai incredere sa le lasi pe mana fericirea ta? viata ta?...Sau sa pleci si sa crezi cu tarie ca poti sa faci sa fii fericit doar tu? Stiu ca in viata nu pot sa te faca sa suferi decat oamenii de care esti legat, pe care ii iubesti si de care ai nevoie, si stiu si ca esti legat de ei involuntar, nu poti niciodata sa scapi de ei efectiv, poti doar sa te indepartezi si sa speri ca o sa poti sa le acoperi lipsa, dar vin momentele alea de singuratate, alea in care doar cativa oameni sunt langa tine, si ce faci daca tu te-ai indepartat deja de ei? Oare este mai bine sa suferi singur, din vina ta, sau sa suferi langa cineva, din vina acelui cineva?

Ce faci cand vrei ceva ce pare imposibil? Renunti la ceea ce vrei si incerci altceva posibil? Sau ramai cu visul tau pana la final si faci orice sa il transformi in realitate? Si crezi ca o sa reusesti, apoi vezi ca totul in jurul tau se naruie si la o perioada de timp realizezi ca vrei imposibilul, vrei sa atingi orizontul....Viata noastra este formata din alegeri. Ceea ce suntem azi este rezultatul direct al alegerilor pe care le-am facut noi sau pe care le-au facut altii pentru noi. Uneori realizezi cate alegeri ai facut si cate alte alternative de sine ai pierdut, puteai sa fii altcineva, cu doar o alegere din viata ta schimbata...Ai facut alegerile corecte? Esti multumit de tine? Esti exact ceea ce vrei sa fii?

Raspunsul la majoritatea intrebarilor este cel din titlu "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade" ...and hope for the best!


Va las cu o melodie care mie imi place tare mult...

4 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

Cand Tudor Chirila spunea ca "fericirea este ceva care nu se atinge niciodata" avea dreptate. pentru ca dupa fiecare asa zisa "fericire", reprezentata prin diferite impliniri ale diferitelor vise/dorinte vine cate un esec, o pasa proasta, un dezastru, depinde si de cum e conceput acel... sa-l numic esec deocamdata.

Tot el a spus "dar in cautarea ei merita s-alergi toata viata" ...

Anonim spunea...

cel mai bun post al tau pana acum :) foarte melodia...:X speachless

Unknown spunea...

When life gives you lemons you should:

- Start your own unforgettable “lemonade experience”.
- Just shut up and eat your damn lemons.
- Do some research on them. (Sources all agree that lemons originated from somewhere in Asia; today, America claims to grow a quarter of the world’s supply, and California is said to be the biggest producer …no wonder they call it the “The Land of Posh n’ Pits”!)
- Stop snivelling and sell’em on eBay!
- Make a battery out of them and harness electricity for pity’s sake!
- Go to a “limoncello factory” in Amalfi, Italy where they whip up lemon salads.
Turn around and squirt it in the eye of your nemesis.
- Throw them through life’s windows (for those who have nothing else to do).
- Ask for a diet drink to put them in.
- Become a lemonologist, (that way you can polish furniture with the oil).
- Remember that God loves the yellow ones as much as the little green ones
- Make lemonade and be sure to share it with others, (just to let them know how much you care about the bitter things in life that seem to come with an unexpected cost attached).
- Call your husband to come home right away and then make lemon-colored frosting, (to decorate whatever you’ve got lying around in the fridge)!
- SMILE, return the lemons to the person who presented them to you, and then ask for the oranges that you requested in the first place!
- Switch to limes and try a mean margarita, chips and salsa!
- Have another root beer, (and maybe lemons will make you burp less!)
- Use a gadget called a “zester”, (to remove lemon peels what else?)
- Of course, if you fancy yourself a bit of a wizard…you can always use your abracadabra skills to make orange juice!
- Smash them with a heavy KB and hope for the best, (according to a dedicated dragon door strength conditioning martial arts expert).
- Say “****-off” and go to bed! (For those with short attention spans and few alternative-dispute resolution mechanisms to deal with difficult dilemmas or dorks of course).
- Quit complaining and invest your money in sugar; even if your all teeth fall out, your taste buds will be happy.)
- When all else fails suck them, (recommended by someone calling himself “A Digital Dude who loves lemons").
- Never forget to get your daily dose of cold, refreshing lemon juice, (it's full of vitamin C according to a healthy food fare lady).
- Be quiet and eat your lemons, (just like grown-ups do who have no other way of proving their courage, fortitude and mastery of the basic food groups.)
- Just add some vodka and have a party, (definitely not submitted by a party-pooper!)
- Watch a Frogcatcher Film titled, "When Life Gives You Lemons", that parodies the world of unemployed white-collar workers (...who better than a few loafers to tell a lemon-aid story!)
- Ask yourself what Eeyore would have done to resolve this muss of a mess ...after all didn't he say, "They're funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you're having them".
- And if all else fails, try reading the twelfth volume in "A Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket, a hermit and a nomad who wishes everyone nothing but the best, (after spending an inordinate amount of time investigating and reporting upon woeful things that most people are better off without).

Unknown spunea...

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them into a cup and throw it into peoples faces."

"When life gives you lemons, eat them."

"When life gives you lemons, wing em' right back and add a few of your own."

"When life gives you lemons, say they are limes, and run away, flailing your arms and laughing like a maniac."

"When life gives you lemons, deny deny deny."

"When life gives you lemons, say we don't need no stinking lemons!"

"When life gives you lemons, say thank you may I have another?"

"When life gives you lemons, put them in your pants."

"When life gives you lemons, its time to duck and cover."

"When life gives you lemons, go find a punk with a paper cut."

"When life gives you lemons, become a super saiyan and destroy the planet, then see if life ever starts shit again."

"When life gives you lemons, give them them to someone who cares."