joi, 23 octombrie 2008

Top 10 melodii de taiat venele

Am observat ca e la moda in lumea bloggerilor titlul asta, asa ca...trebuie sa strang si eu sub titlul asta lista de 20 melodii pe care le ascult cand sunt trista sau suparata pe viata.

Leona Lewis - Better In Time

"Thought I couldn't live without you

It's gonna hurt when it heals too

It'll all get better in time

Even though I really love you

I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve too

It'll all get better in time"

No doubt Dont speak

"As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry"

System Of A Down - Lonely Day

"Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day in my life"

Nimeni Altu'-Inger si demon

"Atat de mult nu-mi vine sa cred
Cat timp a trecut, prin cate am trecut
Si mai ales prin cate ai trecut de cand ne-am cunoscut
Ma intreb de ce destinul a decis sa ne intalnim
Si apoi ne-a ucis fiecare vis
Facandu-ne sa suferim"

Shakira- No

"No se puede vivir con tanto veneno,
La esperanza que me da tu amor
No me la dió más nadie,
Te juro, no miento"

Evanescent- My immortal

"These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase"


Counting crows- Color blind

"I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside"

Vama veche- Cantec prost

"Un sarut dura pe-atunci cat discurile cu Pink Floyd
Ne-am iubit atat de mult incat am declansat razboi..."

Taxi- Te vad in toate femeile

"Si te caut in toate femeile pe care dintr-o-data le intalnesc
Si te vreau in toate femeile pe care cateodata le doresc
Si te vad in toate femeile pe care am impresia ca le iubesc
Inca mai, mai, mai, mai gresesc..."

James Blunt- Goodbye my lover

"And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet."

Goo goo dolls - Iris 

"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive"

Abba - The winner take's it all

"But tell me does she kiss
Like I used to kiss you?
Does it feel the same
When she calls your name?"

Avril Lavigne- When you're gone

"I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry"

Roxette- It must have been love

"Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside I turn to water
Like a teardrop in your palm "

Avril Lavigne - Nobody's home

"Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you've left behind."

Sarmalele reci - Telefonul nu mai suna

"Ti-amintesti cand v-ati jurat
Ca voi nu va veti desparti vreodata.
Dar acum cand va desparte
Tot ce va unea odata
Juramintele-s departe
Si la fel si ea."

Fort minor - Where'd you go?

"I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it..."

Vama Veche - Zmeu

"Am fost zmeul tau mereu
Sa ma tii in vant nu-i greu...
N-ai stiut sa tragi d sfori...
Am cazut de mii de cazut de mii de ori...
Trebuie sa zbor....."

Shakira - Don't bother

"For you, I'd give up all I own
And move to a communist country
If you came with me, of course
And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you
And lose those pounds, and learn about football
If it made you stay, but you won't, but you won't"

Nikelback - Hero

"Someone told me love will ALL save us.
But how can that be, look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling
That world never came."

Bun, deci cam astea sunt si, din pacate, nu am reusit sa le si numerotez pentru ca nu stiu care imi place mai mult...le ascult pe toate si am avut multe momente in care am ascultat cate una din melodiile astea la nesfarsit.

O sa fac curand si topul melodiilor care ma fac mereu sa ma simt mai bine. Dar stiti cum e curand asta la mine...timpul este o notiune relativa pentru mine.

Voi ce melodii de taiat venele ascultati?

3 comentarii:

Daria spunea...

pot zice ca se afla printre melodiile mele ma asteptam
super alegeri. e de ajuns doar sa citesti toate acele instant ai alta stare. ori sunt eu nebuna d legat :))
mi s-a facut pielea d gaina...

Unknown spunea...

place topu tau ... melodii alese :X

Unknown spunea...

nice pref meel sunt:" when you're gone"" nobody's home" (avril lavinge) nobody's home e o melodie foarte frum pt chitara when you're gone asemenea dar cu putin pian si ce ar mai fi frumos de la avril" keep holding on" "innocence"(care este perfecta pt pian) te calmeaza sau pt o inima ranita ar fi melodiile "my happy ending" " nobody's home""don't tell me" " Slipped Away(care a fost facuta de ea pt bunicul ei care a murit)"i'm with you" si "Together" si multe altele avril lavigne face melodii triste fericite in care sa te simti calm sau cum vreti sa ziceti si unele amuzante cum ar fi prima melodtie din 2002 "complicated" sau "girlfriend" stiu ca poate nu preferati avril dar mie imi place sunt melodii frumoase mai de toate genurile de pa pop la punk rock